Friday, November 20, 2009

Spiritual Religion Can Safeguard the Indian Nation

Mahesh Kaul
INDIA is at the crossroads today. The reason being the onslaught on its spiritual and national core from internal and external threats.The grave threat which India has been facing right from the partition of the subcontinent is the terrorism meant to bleed the spiritual core of the nation (tribal invasion in 1947 sponsored by Pakistan).The 26/11 made it visible to the elite classes who had otherwise shut their eyes towards any incident that was meant to balkanize the Indian nation and hence civilization. The threat faced by India is not recent one .It was there but the media and the intellectual class never paid any heed
towards it.Whether it was the en mass exodus of the Kashmiri Pandits from the valley of Kashmir in 1990 or the terrorist attacks on the landmark of the Indian democracy- the parliament.This denial mode has cost the nation in a big way .It has led to the mindset and the class of people within the domain of the law of the land to dilute the Indian civilization and create the Indian state which seems to be in conflict with the Indian and hence, the Indian civilization. Policy makers in haste and perhaps in a bid to create vote banks have diluted the sovereignty and integrity of India.Thus creating a political class which has created the political establishment, which sees every attempt to bail out the fifth columnists as their natural duty as it helps them to keep the flawed infrastructure of their entry into executive intact to subvert the civilizational edifice of India.
The greatest blow to the national character was given by the political class in 1947,who were negotiating the transfer of power in tandem with the partition of the subcontinent without realizing the magnitude of the displacement and bloodshed that accompanied the vivisection of the Indian subcontinent.It didn’t stop there ,the sore has been developing with every passing year and now it seems that it has graduated to such an extent that the support to balkanization of already divided India is finding takers in the political class who want to convert it into electoral gain.But the question is at what cost?The answer is simple at the cost of the Indian civilization.The continuous invasion of the foreign invaders in the past appear small as the acts of internal elements seem to be more dangerous as they provide the necessary oxygen to these external elements by facilitating their acts overtly and covertly.And by doing this these elements want to paint the religion of the land in the black. What these elements in the political establishment forget is that the religion grounded in the human values has been the soul of India.And no power however, strong has been able to hurt this core and hence the spirit.That is why despite continuous victimization of the people of the land and destruction of their religious places India emerged as the jewel of the human civilization.
Instead of getting vanished from the world map it not only reappeared but also provided the shelter to the persecuted people of various religions. Swami Vivekananda, the tiger among the nationalists of the land stressed the need to look inward to keep the soul of the nation intact. In June19, 1907- Sri Aurobindo another proud son of the soil, revolutionary visionary and philosopher spoke thus, on Swami Vivekananda, “Apart from the natural attachment which every man has to his country, literature, its traditions, its customs and usages ,patriotism has an additional stimulus in the acknowledged excellence of a national civilization. If Britons love England with all her faults ,why should we fail to love India whose faults were whittled down to an irreducible minimum till foreign conquests threw the whole society out of gear .But instead of being dominated by the natural ambition of carrying the banner of such a civilization all over the world ,we are unable to maintain its integrity in its native home .This is betraying a trust this is unworthiness of the worst type .we have not been able to add anything to this precious bequest ;on the contrary we have been keeping ourselves and generations yet unborn from full enjoyment of their lawful heritage…..Further emphasizing the point he says, “According to Sidgwick, physical expansion proceeds from a desire for a spiritual expansion and history also supports the assertion. But why should not India then be the first power in the world? Who else has the undisputed right to extend spiritual sway over the world? This was Swami Vivekananda’s plan of campaign. India can once more be made conscious of the greatness by an overmastering sense of the greatness of her spirituality. This sense of greatness is the main feeder of all patriotism. This only can put an end to all self-depreciation and generate a burning desire to recover the lostground. The challenges before India are manifold keeping in view the global scenario. And greatest challenge is the threat to its civilization.India has to rise first to pull out itself from the state of self deception and look into its glorious past and then lead the world community ,which is in a crisis keeping in view the economic meltdown and the political fall out associated with it.Only India can insulate the mankind with its religion of spiritual humanism that is the bed rock of the Indian civilization.Only then can we come out the illusion of self deception .In which we have been entangled by the political class who don’t pay heed towards the spiritual wisdom of Indian heritage.Consequently, the scenario is there for everyone to see.In the words of Swami Vivekananda,more there is an attempt to hide the humanistic Indian religion ?more forcefully it reappears . Policy makers, politicians and intellectual class need to pay heed to these words of advise. Swami Vivekananda says,”In religion lies the vitality of India ,and so long as the Hindu race do not forget the great inheritance of their forefathers,there is no power on earth to destroy them”.
(Writer is a research scholar in Faculty of Management Studies, University of Jammu, Jammu and Organizing Secretary, Sangarsh- A movement for Justice, Equality, Peace, Prosperity and Brotherhood.)

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Accession of J&K to India is Complete

Mahesh Kaul
The partition of the Indian subcontinent should be seen in the perspective of the Anglo-Muslim alliance that was forged by the British to retain their strategic foothold in the Indian subcontinent to have an access to the Russian activities and the appreciable influence on the Central Asian region mainly in terms of oil reserves. As the oil reserves were in the domain of the Central Asian and Middle Eastern Islamic countries and regions so the British encouraged the separatist Muslim sentiment in India to impress the Muslim World and at the same time kept the nationalist movement for the Indian independence under check.,which the British viewed as the “Hindu Nationalist”upsurge.
Kashmir problem is the outcome of the “Great Game “ which the British played to keep the separatist Muslim element alive to keep its stakes high even though -the World War II had changed the dynamics of the strategic world order. This move was further meant to make the northern Indian borders weak and pregnable forever and result is the present Kashmir crisis. It was a clear moves to sow the seeds of the balkanization of the Indian Union. The process of maintaining the checks and applying brakes on the Indian nationalists were already devised by the British well before 1947 and M.A. Jinnah was a British prop to materialize the separatist Muslim claims for the partition of India. These ploys and what was going on in the British mind has been revealed by Krishna Menon, who was close to the British circles, in the following words to Lord Mountbatten well before the partition on 14June 1947,”Is this frontier of (the northwest of India abutting Afghanistan & Iran) still the hinterland of the Imperial Strategy? Does British still think in terms of being able to use this territory and all that follows from it? There is considerable amount of talking in this way; and if Kashmir, for one reason or another, choose to be in Pakistan, that is a further development in this direction .I do not know of British policy in this matter .I do not know it whether you know it either. But if this be the intent, this is tragic……….As it becomes more evident ,the attitude of India would be resentful and Britain’s’ hold on Pakistan would not improve it.” Menon was pointing towards the British strategy of using the West Pakistan as a base to stop the Soviet expansion towards the Indian Ocean, Afghanistan and the Persian Gulf and secondly he implied that was the British policy so “subterranean “that even the Viceroy was ignorant about it? These intrigues shaped the Kashmir problem and result is the present state of chaos and desperation.
Accession of the J&K state to the Indian Union needs to be understood by keeping in mind the traits of the British and the separatist Muslim mindset of the Muslim League nurtured by the imperial policy makers to divide India to suit their strategic hold on the Sub continent. There is a false premise on which the J&K’s Accession to India is always undrerstood by certain vested interests”That the Radcliffe Boundary Commission award giving Gurdaspur District to the Indian East Punjab was announced on august17, 1947,two days after the new Dominions of India and Pakistan had already come into being.” It is totally absurd. The demarcation of the areas that would go to Pakistan was already devised by the British well before 1947,the partition year. Its blueprint was already prepared by the Viceroy Lord Archbald Wavell in 1946 to forge an alliance with the Jinnah’s Muslim League,the foundation of this unholy alliance was laid in 1940-41 by his predecessor Linlithgow to project M.A.Jinnah as the sole spokesman of the “Muslim India”
The same blueprint was kept under cover till the opportune time came in 1947 for the British withdrawal .It was deliberately kept in abeyance so that the finger of suspicion for the vivisection of India is not raised on the British Empire. Narender Singh Sarila, who was an ADC to the last Viceroy, Lord Louis Mountbatten was a witness to the British decisions and policy. Has observed candidly in his book The Untold Story of India’s Partition that “secret archives cannot be depended upon to reveal the entire picture. Many decisions that are taken by government are never committed on paper or,if so committed ,are not revealed ,even after the probationary period for keeping them under wraps has lapsed.For instance , Lord Mountbatten’s reports to London ,sent after 15 August,1947.while he was the governor-general of India,have not been unsealed even after almost sixty years,thereby depriving us information surrounding British policy on Kashmir “
Lord Wavell was constantly in touch with the Secretary of State in London.His blueprint for the partition was being taken seriously in London .On 29 January 1946,Secretay of State revealed the British policy by stating in a telegram to Wavell that”It would help me to know when I may expect to receive your recommendation as regards definition of genuinely Muslim areas if we are compelled to give a decision to this (Partition)”
Gurdapur district was not incorporated into the Indian Union after the partition, Wavell’s partition plan forwarded to London on 6-7 February 1946 makes it clear as to what was in store for millions of people of the Indian subcontinent.,His partition plan which was implemented by his successor Lord Mountbatten reads”1)If compelled to indicate demarcation of genuinely Moslem areas I recommend that we should include (a) Sind,North-West Frontier Province, British Baluchistan and Rawalpindi,Multan and Lahore Divisions of Punjab, Less Amritsar and Gurdaspur districts………2)In the Punjab the only Moslem -majority district that would not go into Pakistan under demarcation is Gurdaspur.Gurdaspur must go with Amritsar for geographical reasons and Amritsar being the sacred city of Sikhs must stay out of Pakistan……”
Therefore it becomes clear that the decision regarding the Gurdaspur district was taken well before partition and the argument regarding its inclusion in the Indian Union after the partition does not hold any ground as it is far from the historical fact made amply clear by Lord Wavell’s partition plan.
So the point raised by the fifth columnists and other left liberal intellectuals that “Maharaja Hari Singh could not accede to the newly created Indian Dominion and the Indian Prime Minister, Pt.Jawaharlal Nehru could not accept such a request on or before August 15,1947 because under the provision of July 1947 Indian Independence Act passed by the British Parliament, Pathankot tehsil at that time, the only geographical link of J&K, was located in Gurdaspur District of west Punjab which had been notified under the aforesaid Act as part of Pakistan “ is the falsification of the reality.
Another observation by these individuals that “The Maharaja Sahib had therefore no other option than to think of Standstill Agreement with both new Dominions of India and Pakistan and making Jammu and Kashmir an Eastern Switzerland of Asia “ is another misinterpretation of constitutional realities and the facts. As the India under the British was composed of the British India and the Princely states which accepted the British Paramountcy, the rulers of these states were thus bound to accede to one of the Dominions and there was no provision for the Independent existence. The celebrated political scientist Prof.M.K.Teng in the preface to his book titled Kashmir the Myth of Autonomy has cleared this misconception regarding the accession of the J&K and other princely states to the Indian Union.He writes “ the partition of India did not envisage the accession of the Princely states to the Dominion of India and Pakistan on the basis, the British India was divided.The partition of India left the states out its scope and the transfer of power accepted the lapse of the Paramountcy : the imperial authority the British exercised over the States .The accession of the states to India was the culmination of a historical process which symbolized the unity of the people in the British India and the Indian States”. It is a populist view in order to cover the truth regarding the accession that Maharaja Hari Singh was trapped and was hence indecisive to accede to India .To clear this misconception further Prof..M.K.Teng writes ,”In 1947 ,when Jammu and Kashmir acceded to India ,the ruler of the state ,Maharaja Hari Singh signed the same standard form of the Instrument of Accession ,which the other major Indian states signed .The accession of the state to India was not subject to any exceptions or pre-condition to provide for any separate and special constitutional arrangements for the state .Neither Nehru ,nor Patel gave any assurances to Hari Singh or the National Conference leaders that J&K would be accorded a separate and independent political organization on the basis of the Muslim Majority character of its population.”
Thus the above analysis makes it crystal clear that the accession of the Jammu and Kashmir State to the Indian Union is complete in the constitutional manner. And the role played by Maharaja Hari Singh is that of a true patriot and democrat.
(Writer is a Ph.D. scholar at the CHTM, Center for Hospitality and Tourism Management, Faculty of Management Studies, University of Jammu, Jammu and Organizing Secretary, Sangarsh- A movement for Justice, Equality, Peace, Prosperity and Brotherhood.)

Threat to Northern Frontiers of India by China

19/11/2009: Sangarsh- A movement for Justice, Equality, Peace, Prosperity and Brotherhood organized the the third lecture titled "Encirclement of India by China" under the Sangarsh Lecture Series in the lawn of The Law School, University of Jammu. The resource person for today's lecture was Dr. Manoj Bhatt, Assistant Professor in Department of Economics, University of Jammu.
He touched upon all the contours aspects contours of China's strategy to encircle India in Geo-strategic domain. He traced the perspectives and positioning of the Chinese policy vis-à-vis South-East Asia and 'ASEAN'. He delved upon the sphere of influence of Chinese strategy by exerting its influence in the countries neighbouring India, popularly known as "String of Pearls".
The stress was laid to read into the emergence of China as a economic power when the US economy is exhibiting a down slide which was revealed in economic recession. Stock was also taken of the US tilt towards the China and the US President Obama's recent visit to China wherein Chinese cooperation was sought to bring stability to Afghanistan.
This development was analyzed from the perspective that the Chinese presence in Afghanistan will lead to complete encirclement of India as Pakistan is a direct proxy of China. With this the threat to northern frontiers of India and the conflict ridden J&K state will increase many folds and will be a disaster to the territorial integrity of the India. The discussion which started after the discourse took into consideration the Maoist threat to the national main stream. It was observed that the Maoist insurgency is a direct consequence of China to bankanize the Indian Union and then externally launch a military offensive to dismember India which is otherwise a civilizational state.
Mr. Bhanu Partap, a student of The Law School stressed upon the role of youth in sensitizing the people of India about the nefarious designs of China.
Ms. Suman Karloopia, a student of the The Law School highlighted the role of political class to defeat the Chinese designs.
The proceedings of the interaction session was conducted by Mr. Mahesh Kaul, Organising Secretary of the Sangarsh movement.
The prominent among others who made their presence include Mr. Ranjeet Sharma (President, Sangarsh), Mr. Suresh Kumar (General Secretary, Sangarsh), Mr. Anik Kumar, Ms. Shagun, Mr. Akhmat Choudary, Mr. Dinesh Singh, Mr. Taufiq Hussain, Mr. Farid Choudary, Mr. Ramneek Singh Katoch, Mr. Jasbir Singh Katoch, Mr. Rajnish Sharma,Ms. Pavita, Mr. Waheed Ahmed and Ms. Shuprinder Kour.

Monday, November 16, 2009

Encirclement of India By China

A Press Conference was organized by Sangarsh on 16/11/1009 in order to express concern over the hardline posture adopted by China towards India and denial mode of the Indian political establishment towards the Chinese claims over the India territory. The press conference was jointly addressed by Mr. Ranjeet Sharma, President, Mr. Suresh Kumar, General Secretary, and Mr. Mahesh Kaul, Organizing Secretary of the organization respectively.
The leaders of Sangarsh said that “the hardline posture adopted by China over the Indian territories is directly related to the changing world strategic order due to the receding clout of the US economy and its dependence on the Chinese currency and the second factor for the Chine sabre rattling is due to the political and social instability in Pakistan which acted as the direct proxy of the Chinese strategy to restrict India to hamper its emergency as a economic power. Now that Pakistan is crushed under the burden of its own making of terrorism, the Chinese Dragon has decided to flex its muscles with full vigour”.
They said that “the Chinese are creating an atmosphere which is quite similar to that of 1962 in which the Chinese encouraged the Naga insurgents to destablise India internally so that the Chinese are able to distort the Northern Frontiers of India. This time the situation is of greater danger as the encirclement of India is already complete due to the influence of China on the immediate neighbours of India-Myanmar, Sri Lanka, Nepal, Pakistan, Bangladesh, strategically known as the “String of Pearls”. It hangs around India like a tight noose. And support to the Maoist terrorist by these nations at the behest of China is fraught with serous consequences which are bound to balkanize India. The recent threat by China that 1962 like situation is in the offing that China want to destabilize India by encouraging the Maoists and at the same time it will not shriek from launching military offensive against India.”
They asserted that “this is due to the denial mentality of the Indian policy makers who have pursued the flawed Nehruvian foreign policy from point of weakness and not from the point of strength of realpolitik. India has not played the Tibet card well. The worst faux pas came in 2003 when Vajpayee regime declared Tibet as an autonomous part of China, knowing well that China’s claim over Tibet is disputed. Infact China has illegally occupied legal part of the Jammu and Kashmir state known as Aksai Chin. If the present belligerent posturing is not confronted by building defence muscles and keeping the dialogue open on the even kneel, deterrence will not come with nuclear weapons only but with military preparedness guided with satellite surveillance. India should adopt proactive approach on Tibet to confront China in Arunachal Pradesh and J&K”.
They said that “Issuing of separate papers with passport for the Indian citizens of J&K visiting China is serious development which is direct threat to the sensitive state of J&K which is already confronting the conflict. China has already access to the state of J&K from the occupied territory of the state from the Pakistani side. If the same meek attitude of Indian policy makers continues then there is an unfortunate possibility that POK will be called Chinese Occupied Kashmir (COK). The central government should come out with a comprehensive policy as there is a clear link between Pakistan’s rise and fall with that of China”. The speaker urged the Indian masses to pressurize the Indian government to bar and boycott the Chinese goods in the Indian markets.Others who were present in the press conference included Suraj Singh, Akhmat Choudhary, Anil Sharma spokesman and executive members respectively.
Encirclement of India by China

A Press Conference was organized by Sangarsh on 16/11/1009 in order to express concern over the hardline posture adopted by China towards India and denial mode of the Indian political establishment towards the Chinese claims over the India territory. The press conference was jointly addressed by Mr.Ranjeet Sharma, President, Mr. Suresh Kumar, General Secretary and Mahesh Kaul, Organising Secretary of the organization respectively.The leaders of Sangarsh said that “the hardline posture adopted by China over the Indian territories is directly related to the changing world strategic order due to the receding clout of the US economy and its dependence on the Chinese currency and the second factor for the Chine sabre rattling is due to the political and social instability in Pakistan which acted as the direct proxy of the Chinese strategy to restrict India to hamper its emergency as a economic power. Now that Pakistan is crushed under the burden of its own making of terrorism, the Chinese Dragon has decided to flex its muscles with full vigour”.They said that “the Chinese are creating an atmosphere which is quite similar to that of 1962 in which the Chinese encouraged the Naga insurgents to destablise India internally so that the Chinese are able to distort the Northern Frontiers of India. This time the situation is of greater danger as the encirclement of India is already complete due to the influence of China on the immediate neighbours of India-Myanmar, Sri Lanka, Nepal, Pakistan, Bangladesh, strategically known as the “String of Pearls”. It hangs around India like a tight noose. And support to the Maoist terrorist by these nations at the behest of China is fraught with serous consequences which are bound to balkanize India. The recent threat by China that 1962 like situation is in the offing that China want to destabilize India by encouraging the Maoists and at the same time it will not shriek from launching military offensive against India.”They asserted that “this is due to the denial mentality of the Indian policy makers who have pursued the flawed Nehruvian foreign policy from point of weakness and not from the point of strength of realpolitik. India has not played the Tibet card well. The worst faux pas came in 2003 when Vajpayee regime declared Tibet as an autonomous part of China, knowing well that China’s claim over Tibet is disputed. Infact China has illegally occupied legal part of the Jammu and Kashmir state known as Aksai Chin. If the present belligerent posturing is not confronted by building defence muscles and keeping the dialogue open on the even kneel, deterrence will not come with nuclear weapons only but with military preparedness guided with satellite surveillance. India should adopt proactive approach on Tibet to confront China in Arunachal Pradesh and J&K”.They said that “Issuing of separate papers with passport for the Indian citizens of J&K visiting China is serious development which is direct threat to the sensitive state of J&K which is already confronting the conflict. China has already access to the state of J&K from the occupied territory of the state from the Pakistani side. If the same meek attitude of Indian policy makers continues then there is an unfortunate possibility that POK will be called Chinese Occupied Kashmir (COK). The central government should come out with a comprehensive policy as there is a clear link between Pakistan’s rise and fall with that of China”. The speaker urged the Indian masses to pressurize the Indian government to bar and boycott the Chinese goods in the Indian markets.Others who were present in the press conference included Suraj Singh, Akhmat Choudhary, Anil Sharma spokesman and executive members respectively.

Need to bridge the gap between India and Bharat

Sangarsh- A movement for Justice, Equality, Peace, Prosperity and Brotherhood organised the second lecture under its "Sangarsh Lecture Series" on 12/11/2009 titled: 'Effect of Recession on Indian Economy'. The resource person was Prof. Deepankar Sen Gupta from the Department of Economics, University of Jammu. In his lecture Prof. Sen Gupta gave a comprehensive insight and perspective of Indian economy in terms of its internal and external aspects. He highlighted the effect of Recession on Indian economy keeping in view the parameters which has absent to insulate the Indian economy and stressed on the need for decoupling with a focus on the agriculture which is the main state of the Indian economic infrastructure.
In order to prevent Indian economy from getting derailed he urged the policy makers to focus on the domestic services and the human capital,less than 40% of the Indian economic agriculture driven which otherwise should have been 60%.
To make the Indian economic system fulproof he stressed for the empowerment of the Panchyati Raj System at the grass root level which enable the Indian agrarian economy to take roots in the Indigenous way and bridges the gap between India and Bharat which are otherwise parallel in Indian- Politico-Economic system, the need is to converge the two and create a viable, vibrant and shockproof economic environment in the country.
The proceedings of the programme were carried out by Mr. Mahesh Kaul, Organising Secretary, Sangarsh while the vote of thanks was delivered by the General Secretary of the movement Mr. Suresh Kumar.Prominent among others who were present include Sachin Bhagat, Krishan Dev Singh, Meenakshi Anand, Taniya Akhter, Tabish Tanvir, Nitin Sharma and Monika.

Dr. Farooq Abdullah's statement is a threat to minorities in J&K

Sangarsh-A movement for Justice, Equality, Peace, Prosperity and Brotherhood 0n 09/11/2009 strongly condemned the statement of the Union Minister and patron of the National Conference Dr. Farooq Abdullah that "we are a muslim majority area and proud of it". In a press conference held at University of Jammu, which was jointly addressed by Mr. Ranjeet Sharma, President, Mr. Suresh Kumar, General Secretary and Mr. Mahesh Kaul, Organising Secretary of the movement respectively.
They termed the statement of Dr. Farooq Abdullah as unfortunate as it has sent wrong signals among the miniorities of the state. The state is a sensitive area as it is engulfed by the ethno-religious conflict since last two decades and has witnessed tremendous demographic change in terms of the internal displacement of the people which started with the armed conflict in the state. This statement is against the secular and democratic constititutional set up of the Indian Union, they expressed.
They said that in a recent visit the Union Home Minister P. Chidambarm had said that the central government was serious about the return and rehabilition of the displaced Kashmiri Pandits. The statement made by Dr. Farooq Abdullah reflects the mindset of the majority community of the valley. If this is the case then the state is moving towards the further deterioration of the situation. If this is the mental state of the political class then rehabilitation of the miniorities in their natural bahitat is impossible.
They observed that there is a serious threat to sovereignty and interigty of the Indian nation as far as the policy of the central government towards the Jammu and Kashmir is concerned. many people and organisations have commented about the statements made by the P. Chidambaram regarding the "quiet diplomacy and unique solution" but the focal point of the statement made by him that "There are other political parties which do not participate in elections and have their set of views. There are extreme voices, which call for secession and separate nation. We accept it and it is the reality" . If the Indian state is thinking on these lines to solve the jammu and Kashmir issue then there is no doubt that the nationalistic Indian people are being kept in dark. Something is cooking behind the scenes to dilutethe Indian sovereignty over the state. We see a link between the statements the Dr. Abdullah regarding the muslim majority status of the state and the Chidambaram's statement that he accepts that there are voices for separate nation in the state, claimed Sangarshi's.
They revealed that in this context the return and rehabilition of Kashmiri Pandits to their homeland in the present disposition is fraught with serious consequences and these statements made by these senior leaders justify as to why the Kashmiri Pandits were forced to live in exile in their own state and own country.They were flanked by Suraj Singh, Spokesperson, Nitin Sharma and Meenakshi Anand, Joint Secretaries.

Our Life Our Environment

In order to sensitize the society about the impending dangers from the environmental degradation and its adverse effects on the whole human kind, Sangarsh- A movement for Justice, Equality, Peace, Prosperity and Brotherhood in order to start the lecture series on this years theme "OUR LIFE OUR ENVIRONMENT" organised the first lecture on 05/11/2009 on "ENVIRONMENT AND SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT" which was delivered by Dr. Renu Nanda, Associate Professor, Department of Education and a renowned social activists. She interacted with the scholars and students of university of Jammu and initiated the dialogue wherein she shared her practical experiences regarding the sustainable environment.
She observed that children are more Eco friendly than adults. In order to create environment free from pollution and degradation she highlighted the need to devise different frame work for rural and urban areas for the Eco friendly environment.
Mr. Mahesh Kaul organising Secretary, Sangarsh managed the whole proceedings of the session and he suggested that environment conservation policies should be devised by involving all the stake holders and by devising multi disciplinary approach.
The General Secretary of the Sangarsh movement Mr. Suresh Kumar highlighting the problems being faced by the common people particularly in rainy season due to the shortage of infrastructure advised to submit a proposal to the Jammu Municipal Corporation and jammu university authorities regarding the environment protection and installation of more dustbins, besides other necessary requirements.
The stress was laid on environment legislation and their proper implementation by Mr. Suraj Singh.various students and Scholars from different departments participated and gave their valuable suggestions. Prominent among them include Mr. Ashok Singh, Mr. Vishal Singh pathnia, Mr. Bhanu Pratap, Ms. Taniya Akhter, Ms. Meenakshi Anand, Ms. Ramashwari, Ms. Tabish Tanvir and Ms. Monika.